Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thursday advice

"Whatever sentence will bear to be read twice,we may be sure was thought twice." Henry David Thoreau

Today is the day to get started and geek out! Make a final decision on the main subject of your essay (leaders and fate, the influence of the gods on morals, whatever) and then start talking about the story with your friends or family (trust me, any adult in your life would be thrilled if you asked them to listen to you talk about this.) It doesn't matter if they are not in the class, talk to them and try to explain to them your ideas about the topic. See if you can tell them something interesting about this story. So that after they've listened and asked questions, and you've clarified your points, they say "wow, sounds like a great book!"

Then sit down and write down your ideas and second draft of your essay. Sometimes it's easier to start by talking through your argument.

Good luck today!

Ms. Dahlin

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