Friday, October 21, 2011

Okay, so I'm writing my paper on how time in ancient Greek culture just causes conflict, and I'm thinking about connecting that, in my intro/conclusion to our more modern concept of materialism (because I think it can be argued that we accumulate goods to display some sort of honor, even if it's not necessarily the military type).

Do you think that analysis works at all? And if so, do you think I should devote a paragraph and the beginning to connecting the two so my analysis is more clear? If not, do you have any suggestions as to what I could connect it to?

1 comment:

Ms.D. said...

By "just", do you mean "only" causes conflict? If so, I think it's more complicated than that. Cultures rarely keep practices that are only negative. So be sure to appreciate the complexities of the text.

As for the comparison to modern day, this seems like a strong conclusion (a few paragraphs), but not something you need to develop alot early in the essay.