Sunday, October 21, 2012

So currently my essay is 5 and a half pages long and i have already tried shortening it. I was wondering if any one had any ideas on how i could go about shortening it.


Ms.D. said...

Do you use multiple examples to make the same point? If so, cut the weakest. Consider your individual sentences. Are there a lot of filler words? Can you make your point more directly?

Ms.D. said...

If you're still stuck after considering these options, post a sample paragraph here for me to look at

Anne Raymond said...

I cant figure out how to make my own blog post so Im commenting on this. When using the template for analyzing a character at the end when we are supposed to talk about the motif/theme/subject is that supposed to be the thesis or relate to something else in the book?

Ms.D. said...

Ideally both. Yes connect to theme/subject/motif from the thesis, but you should also use it to transition to another related example in the book.

Anne Raymond said...

ok so do we have to use that template for every paragraph?

Ms.D. said...

No, not at all. I just gave you the templates in case you got stuck.