Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Conclusion Resource

Sorry, I don't have any prepared Iliad conclusions - here are some from Of Mice and Men.

Direct Who? What? Where? When? George and Lennie’s friendship and dream of owning their own land generate the vital quality of hope for each of them. Connection to thesis This relationship is indicative of humans’ fundamental need for something beyond our physical existence. Relationships give people the power to handle adversity positively. Application of thesis In a world where people are constantly busy and often isolated, the role of friendship in dealing with problems is frequently overlooked, thus continuing the cycle of isolation and negativity.

Quote John Donne once said, “No man is an island . . . ; every man is a piece of the continent . . .”. Connection to thesis He believed that interdependence played a crucial role in human survival. As explored in Of Mice and Men, these kinds relationships sustain more than man’s physical existence; they provide the hope necessary for happiness. Application of thesis By recognizing that friendship is a fundamental necessity for human happiness, we can then place less importance on our material possessions and more on the people who surround us.

Real World Situation People who go through high school without friends generally have a negative outlook on life. Struggles with homework and family members are stressors that can be alleviated by confiding in a friend. Connection to thesis Likewise, George and Lennie, the protagonists in Of Mice and Men, continually struggle as they labor manually each day. Through their friendship, they manage to maintain a positive attitude. Application of thesis Relationships give people the power to handle adversity positively. In a world where people are constantly busy and often isolated, the role of friendship in dealing with problems is frequently overlooked, thus continuing the cycle of isolation and negativity.

Rhetorical Question How do your friends help make your life better? By providing laughter, emotional support, and an outlet for our thoughts, friendships are a vital part of our mental health. Struggles with homework and family members are stressors that can be alleviated by confiding in a friend. Connection to thesis Likewise, George and Lennie, the protagonists in Of Mice and Men, continually struggle as they labor manually each day. Through their friendship, they manage to maintain a positive attitude. Application of thesis Relationships give people the power to handle adversity positively. In a world where people are constantly busy and often isolated, the role of friendship in dealing with problems is frequently overlooked, thus continuing the cycle of isolation and negativity.

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