Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Introduction examples

Direct Introduction
Direct explanation of context –Who? What? Where? When? Achilles, the main character of the Iliad, is usually seen as a hero from the time of Ancient Greece. He is known for his brave deeds and great strength. Introduce the focus of thesis However, his rage and violence are not exactly what a modern audience would consider noble and heroic qualities. This is because the historical definition differs from our modern one. Thesis Statement In the story the Iliad, Achilles’ personality provides a contrast that shows humanity’s reaction to violence is ______________.

Real World Introduction
Broad generalization In today’s world, a hero is generally understood to be a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. Explanation While many heroes fit this definition, they have negative aspects to their character as well. Explanation of context This definition poses a problem when classifying Achilles – the main character of the Iliad – as a hero, because while he is distinguished for his brave deeds, his rage is not exactly what a modern audience would consider a noble quality. However, it is almost universally accepted that Achilles is, indeed, a heroic character. This is because the historical definition differs from our modern one. Thesis Statement In the story the Iliad, Achilles’ personality provides a contrast that shows humanity’s reaction to violence is ____________________.

Quotation Introduction
Quote Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said “true peace is not merely the absence of tension and violence but is the presence of justice and brotherhood." Just because someone is a moral person, it doesn’t mean they won’t ever experience the problems or injustice and violence. Explanation of context Despite some myths and misconceptions, the world is not fair, especially not the world of Ancient Greece and certainly not ours today. Violence is a common response when someone feels they have been wronged, but as a society it is difficult to condone any type of violence. This type of conflict is shown in the Iliad. Thesis Statement In the story the Iliad, Achilles’ personality provides a contrast that shows humanity’s reaction to violence is ________________________.

Rhetorical Question Introduction
Rhetorical Question Why do bad things happen to good people? Explanation Just because someone is a moral person, it doesn’t mean they won’t ever experience problems. Explanation of context Despite some myths and misconceptions, the world is not fair, especially not the world of Ancient Greece and certainly not ours today. Violence is a common response when someone feels they have been wronged, but as a society it is difficult to condone any type of violence. This type of conflict is shown in the Iliad. Thesis Statement In the story the Iliad, Achilles’ personality provides a contrast that shows humanity’s reaction to violence is _______________.

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