Wednesday, October 20, 2010

thesis switch!

So I think I am going to totally change my thesis, which although I realize isn't the best idea, it's something we have all done. I'm thinking of something along the lines of "women are prized beacause of their strength and resilience, and are therefore valued members of society" but that is very rough.
I have two questions. One, is this too close to the gender issues that we were told not to talk about? And two, I was thinking about mentioning in my thesis something about how this is specific to Greek society. Is that a good or bad idea?

1 comment:

Ms.D. said...

This is NOT to close to the gender problem - I think you're fine there.

I think you could add Greek society or even ancient Greek society, if you think that your argument doesn't have any merit in today's world.

A few questions for you to consider - are you planning on talking about the gods in this? Does this thesis apply to them or not?

Is being prized the same thing as being valued? If so, is your logic a bit circular? Can you differentiate between the two ideas?